A niche is simply another word for the main topic around which all of your content will be created, as well as the primary audience you will target. It is a distinct group of people with distinct needs whom your content will serve.

Finding a niche is the process of choosing a targeted audience and industry to create content. There has been a lot of debate about whether or not a startup content creator needs a niche. 

It is not wise to create content generally. Your content should always be directed to a particular age group, solve a problem, and be about an aspect of life. It allows content creators to make better quality and highly engaging content that helps them build a strong community of fans.

6 Easy Steps to Finding Your Niche as a Content Creator
Determiing your audience, industry and platform as a content creator


There are 3 major features of an excellent niche in content creation.

  1. AUDIENCE: When you’re thinking about content creation, you should also think about who you want to serve your content. Your audience is the people who will be engaging with your content. Selecting and knowing your audience will help you determine your goals as a creator. You should know your audience’s age group, lifestyle, interests, where they are gathered, and voice. The more you know your audience, the easier it is to engage them with your content.

  1. INDUSTRY: This is knowing whether you want to create entertaining content, educational or informative content around a particular sector; finance, lifestyle, health, technology, fashion, etc. You would determine this based on your passion, knowledge, and skills. You can narrow down your target industry by researching relevant subjects in your industry or by checking out what others have done with their niche before you created yours, so you know what works best for them.

  1. PLATFORM: This is the part where you determine if to create content on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or The Big Man. This decision will be made based on where your audience is gathered, your most comfortable form of content, and your skill.

Niching down your content must be done strategically. If you select a niche that is too small for you as a content provider, you may not have enough demand to establish a following. However, if you choose a too-broad niche, you will confuse your audience and fail to position yourself as an expert or authority on your subject.

6 Easy Steps to Finding Your Niche as a Content Creator
Find your Niche as a content creator

How to find your niche as a content creator

  1. Identify your passion and talent: When it comes to sourcing a niche (while markets and audience are important), you first have to ask yourself what it is that you like to do and what you are good at. You can then determine where your skills intersect with that passion to help you find your niche. It boils down to your being interested in the topic you’re creating content around. Otherwise, you won’t be able to sustain your interest, let alone that of your audience.

  1. Research your industry: Research is important when picking a niche. You do not want to pick a niche that won’t do well in the next 3 years, as trends will change in that niche over time. You should gather all data required to make a very informed decision. You also want to research your competitors; how they got very successful, what they did wrong, and how you can do better.

  1. Narrow down you are: After knowing your passion, drive, and expertise, you would have already known which industry you are focusing on. Knowing your industry is not enough to fly; you should also know precisely what part of the industry you’ll be serving. For example, if you’re a cooking content creator, you could be majoring in culinary dishes.

  1. Determine your target audience: This is the stage at which you determine who your content is intended for. To understand what resonates with them, their relatable pain points, their interests, where they are gathered, and how to interest them, you need to learn as much as possible about them.

  1. Try out different platforms: This is where you conduct your survey to determine what types of content you enjoy creating and study the algorithms of various platforms to determine which one best suits and supports your type of content and is the easiest to build a fan base on.

  1. Choose a platform: Here, you decide which platform you want to share your content on. After you decide this, you begin putting out content consistently to build an audience and fly with the algorithm.
6 Easy Steps to Finding Your Niche as a Content Creator
Understanding every platform’s Algorithm

There is a lot of benefit in niching your content as a beginner. After building an audience and getting established on a platform, you can begin to expand your niche and serve a wider audience. However, as a beginner, it is helpful to know where you stand, what you stand for, and who you are relating to.

Tima is home to many African influencers. It is not just our duty to help businesses increase their ROI with influencer marketing; it is our mission to help influencers build a good business around their creative skills and help them live sustainable lives. 

Join our influencer network by clicking on the link below to start connecting with brands in your niche: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKzvnLwZzqPR9JsIgKFp3_iy5YlFTVRJ1XpKuWrlao4s1LDQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

4 thoughts on “6 Easy Steps to Finding Your Niche as a Content Creator

  1. […] videos, you should entertain your audience with this new trend. Create short-form films centered on your niche. Most platforms, including Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, and LinkedIn, […]

  2. […] you do not want to confuse your audience with. Let your short video content (reels) be around your niche—what they know you […]

  3. […] In the future, we will convert what we now refer to as interactive content into 3D. The content will be created as 3D digital avatars of the creators and their actual surroundings in their niche. […]

  4. […] publish books that are related to their niche. Publishing an eBook helps to show authority in your niche and also make money on the side. eBooks can also help you reach a larger audience even […]

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