The influencer marketing industry is expected to be worth more than $16.4 billion by 2022. This represents an 18.8% annual increase from the $13.8 billion it was valued at, in 2021. In just six years, the industry’s net worth has about tenfold increased from $1.7 billion in 2016

Because brands are now investing in influencers to promote their products, the influencer marketing industry has grown tremendously. Influencer marketing is one of the most effective tools for brands today. Marketers have been using influencers in their digital marketing campaigns for several years, but it is only recently that it has gained popularity and become a billion-dollar industry due to its effectiveness and benefits.

Here are 5 reasons why more brands are investing heavily in influencer marketing. 

  1. Influencer marketing is a form of Word-of-mouth marketing: Word-of-mouth marketing has been proven to be one of the most effective forms of persuasive marketing. Investopedia defines word-of-mouth marketing as “when a consumer’s interest in a company’s product or service is reflected in their daily dialogues.” Essentially, this is what influencer marketing is all about. Brands now understand that if they get influencers to talk well about their product to their devoted fans, who are their target audience, they will get more results than targeted advertisements because 88% of people worldwide said they believe recommendations from people they trust. They are also aware that consumers look to influencers for product recommendations.
word of mouth marketing
  1. Regular digital advertisements are now more expensive: The digital advertising industry has changed dramatically since the pandemic. Regular digital ad costs have risen significantly, yielding barely comparable results. Brands are now spending far too much money on regular digital ads that produce barely the same results. In their search for an alternative, they discovered that the cost of influencer marketing campaigns is much more reasonable and cost-effective than traditional advertising.
  1. Brands are looking for a human touch: Apart from brands looking to use word-of-mouth marketing, they want to connect with prospects on a more personal level by representing their brand in the form of a person. People listen to influencers because they are usually very good storytellers. Brands now want to build a stronger relationship with their audience, so collaborating with an influencer makes sense.
  1. People now avoid regular ads: 44% of Facebook users say they never click on sponsored ads. People have become more conscious of regular digital advertisements because they do not want to be extorted by advertisers , making digital advertisements less effective. Influencer marketing is now far more effective than other digital advertisements because followers of influencers trust them enough to respond positively to the products they promote.
  1. Influencer-generated content lasts longer: You’re getting a lot of returns on investment with influencer-generated content. Unlike other digital advertisements, which expire after a certain period, promotional content created by influencers can be saved and reshared after the campaign period has ended. The platform’s AI can also assist in the distribution of old content to new audiences. Also, because the content is more engaging and authentic, it is easier for fans to share it with their circle of friends.

Influencer marketing is still in its early stages, but it is rapidly expanding. More brands are adopting influencer marketing to reach their target audiences because regular advertisements cannot compete with influencers. The results speak for themselves. If you’re looking to build relationships with your customers or generate interest in your brand, which leads to more sales, you should look into influencer marketing.

TIMA serves as home to a lot of African influencers placed on various advertising platforms. We are well poised to connect your brand with influencers that will increase your ROI.


One thought on “5 reasons why more brands are investing heavily in Influencer marketing and why you shouldn’t be left out.

  1. […] so many start-up and existing businesses build strong awareness and revenue sustained business. More businesses are adding Influencer marketing to their 2023 budget, as well as holiday adverts because of its […]

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