As the year comes to an end, these social media platforms provide more ways to make creators’ activities enjoyable and easier.

Fun Fact; You can now do these 3 things on Instagram as a creator

Receive virtual gifts

Keep streaks

Schedule posts

Here’s what these are about

Virtual Gifts

Just like the Big man, Instagram has activated a feature for creators to receive gifts from their followers.

Fans will purchase stars and use them to send gifts to their favorite creators. Instagram will give creators a share from the revenue made from the star purchase.

This feature is peculiar to Reels posts and users with professional accounts. Creators that meet the requirements will earn $0.01 USD for every star received from fans and will be paid once their gifts have accumulated to $100 USD.

Streaks and Achievement milestones

Imitating Snapchat, Instagram is now encouraging creators to keep streak while compensating them in the name of Achievements. Creators will unlock achievements that relate after taking specific actions like keeping Reels streaks. They will be be able to track their earning after hitting every milestone.

This Instagram update can be found in menu on any given reel on a professional creators account.

Post Schedule

This is an Instagram update that allows you to prepare your post and automate your posting process. Before now, tools like Hypefury, Buffer and more were used by creators to help them organize and automate their content posts. Since Instagram has added this feature, creators will no longer be in need of these tools as they can already do these things with Instagram’s post schedule.

You can schedule post for up to 75 days with any form of content; reels, carousel and pictures. This feature is only available for professional accounts.

To use the post schedule feature:

  1. After creating your content just before sharing, click on the advance setting option
  2. Tap on schedule this post
  3. Select the date and time you want your post to go live
  4. Navigate back to Instagram post flow
  5. Click schedule
  6. Watch your post go live by itself

By 2023, there will be several platforms with incentives for creators; it is up to you to pick one, develop it, and profit greatly from it.

One thought on “New update on Instagram; Creators can now Receive gifts, Keep streaks and Schedule posts

  1. […] African creative sector is expected to get $20,000 and $50,000, respectively as seed funding through the 2023 […]

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